

ISO-8859-1 (The International Standards Organization) is the default character set in most browsers. (ISO-8859-1 (国际标准化组织)是大多数浏览器中的默认字符集。)

The first 128 characters of ISO-8859-1 are the original ASCII character-set (the numbers from 0-9, the uppercase and lowercase English alphabet, and some special characters). (ISO-8859-1的前128个字符是原始ASCII字符集( 0-9的数字、大写和小写英文字母以及一些特殊字符)。)

Reserved Characters in HTML

Reserved Characters in HTML (HTML中的保留字符)

Some characters are reserved in HTML. That is because these are the characters making up the HTML language. For example, you cannot use the greater than or less than signs in your text, as the browser will try to interpret it as HTML. Then, use the entity name or entity number when you want to output any of the reserved characters. (HTML中保留了一些字符。这是因为这些是构成HTML语言的字符。例如,您不能在文本中使用大于或小于符号,因为浏览器会尝试将其解释为HTML。然后,如果要输出任何保留字符,请使用实体名称或实体编号。)

See the list of the reserved characters in the table below:

CharacterEntity NumberEntity NameDescription
"""quotation mark

ISO 8859-1 Symbols

ISO 8859-1 Symbols (ISO 8859-1符号)

CharacterEntity NumberEntity NameDescription
  non-breaking space
¡¡¡inverted exclamation mark
¦¦¦broken vertical bar
¨¨¨spacing diaeresis
ªªªfeminine ordinal indicator
«««angle quotation mark (left)
�­­­soft hyphen
®®®registered trademark
¯¯¯spacing macron
²²²superscript 2
³³³superscript 3
´´´spacing acute
···middle dot
¸¸¸spacing cedilla
¹¹¹superscript 1
ºººmasculine ordinal indicator
»»»angle quotation mark (right)
¼¼¼fraction 1/4
½½½fraction 1/2
¾¾¾fraction 3/4
¿¿¿inverted question mark

ISO 8859-1 Characters

ISO 8859-1 Characters (ISO 8859-1字符)

CharacterEntity NumberEntity NameDescription
ÀÀÀcapital a, grave accent
ÁÁÁcapital a, acute accent
ÂÂÂcapital a, circumflex accent
ÃÃÃcapital a, tilde
ÄÄÄcapital a, umlaut mark
ÅÅÅcapital a, ring
ÆÆÆcapital ae
ÇÇÇcapital c, cedilla
ÈÈÈcapital e, grave accent
ÉÉÉcapital e, acute accent
ÊÊÊcapital e, circumflex accent
ËËËcapital e, umlaut mark
ÌÌÌcapital i, grave accent
ÍÍÍcapital i, acute accent
ÎÎÎcapital i, circumflex accent
ÏÏÏcapital i, umlaut mark
ÐÐÐcapital eth, Icelandic
ÑÑÑcapital n, tilde
ÒÒÒcapital o, grave accent
ÓÓÓcapital o, acute accent
ÔÔÔcapital o, circumflex accent
ÕÕÕcapital o, tilde
ÖÖÖcapital o, umlaut mark
ØØØcapital o, slash
ÙÙÙcapital u, grave accent
ÚÚÚcapital u, acute accent
ÛÛÛcapital u, circumflex accent
ÜÜÜcapital u, umlaut mark
ÝÝÝcapital y, acute accent
ÞÞÞcapital THORN, Icelandic
ßßßsmall sharp s, German
àààsmall a, grave accent
ááásmall a, acute accent
âââsmall a, circumflex accent
ãããsmall a, tilde
äääsmall a, umlaut mark
åååsmall a, ring
æææsmall ae
çççsmall c, cedilla
èèèsmall e, grave accent
ééésmall e, acute accent
êêêsmall e, circumflex accent
ëëësmall e, umlaut mark
ìììsmall i, grave accent
ííísmall i, acute accent
îîîsmall i, circumflex accent
ïïïsmall i, umlaut mark
ðððsmall eth, Icelandic
ñññsmall n, tilde
òòòsmall o, grave accent
óóósmall o, acute accent
ôôôsmall o, circumflex accent
õõõsmall o, tilde
ööösmall o, umlaut mark
øøøsmall o, slash
ùùùsmall u, grave accent
úúúsmall u, acute accent
ûûûsmall u, circumflex accent
üüüsmall u, umlaut mark
ýýýsmall y, acute accent
þþþsmall thorn, Icelandic
ÿÿÿsmall y, umlaut mark

Variants of ISO-8859-1

Variants of ISO-8859-1 (ISO-8859-1的变体)

Character setDescriptionCovers
ISO-8859-1Latin 1North America, Western Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, Canada, Africa.
ISO-8859-2Latin 2Eastern Europe.
ISO-8859-3Latin 3SE Europe, Esperanto, miscellaneous others.
ISO-8859-4Latin 4Scandinavia/Baltics (and others not in ISO-8859-1).
ISO-8859-5Latin/CyrillicThe languages that use a Cyrillic alphabet such as Bulgarian, Belarusian, Russian and Macedonian.
ISO-8859-6Latin/ArabicThe languages that use the Arabic alphabet.
ISO-8859-7Latin/GreekThe modern Greek language as well as mathematical symbols derived from the Greek.
ISO-8859-8Latin/HebrewThe languages that use the Hebrew alphabet.
ISO-8859-9Latin/TurkishThe Turkish language. Same as ISO-8859-1 except Turkish characters replace Icelandic ones.
ISO-8859-10Latin/NordicThe Nordic languages.
ISO-8859-15Latin 9 (Latin 0)Similar to ISO-8859-1 but replaces some less common symbols with the euro sign and some other missing characters.
ISO-2022-JPLatin/Japanese 1The Japanese language.
ISO-2022-JP-2Latin/Japanese 2The Japanese language.
ISO-2022-KRLatin/Korean 1The Korean language.

See also HTML ASCII and HTML Entities. (另请参阅HTML ASCII和 HTML实体。)


