SVG Intro

SVG Intro (SVG简介)

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) specifies vector-based graphics in XML format. In order to work with it, you need to have some basic understanding of HTML and basic XML. (SVG (可缩放矢量图形)以XML格式指定基于矢量的图形。为了使用它,您需要对HTML和基本XML有一些基本的了解。)

SVG is used to specify vector-based graphics for the Web. Each element and attribute in SVG files can be animated. SVG is a W3C recommendation. It incorporates with other W3C standards, like the DOM and XSL. (SVG用于为Web指定基于矢量的图形。SVG文件中的每个元素和属性都可以进行动画处理。SVG是W3C的建议。它与其他W3C标准(如DOM和XSL )相结合。)

Advantages of using SVG

Advantages of using SVG (使用SVG的优势)

Using SVG over other image formats, such as JPEG and GIF, has many advantages. Particularly: (与其他图像格式(如JPEG和GIF )相比,使用SVG具有许多优点。特别是:)

  • SVG images can be generated and modified with any text editor. (-可以使用任何文本编辑器生成和修改SVG图像。)

  • SVG images can be scripted, indexed, searched, and compressed. (-可以对SVG图像进行脚本、索引、搜索和压缩。)

  • You can print SVG images with high quality at any resolution. (-您可以以任何分辨率打印高质量的SVG图像。)

  • SVG images can be scaled and zoomed. (- SVG图像可以缩放和缩放。)

  • SVG graphics don’t lose any quality in the case where they are zoomed or resized. (-在缩放或调整大小的情况下, SVG图形不会丢失任何质量。)

  • SVG is an open standard. (- SVG是一个开放的标准。)

Creating SVG Images

You can create SVG images with any text editor. But creating them with a drawing program, like Inkscape, is more suitable. (您可以使用任何文本编辑器创建SVG图像。但是使用绘图程序(如Inkscape )创建它们更合适。)


