Start using Javascript
Start using Javascript (开始使用Javascript)
Writing Your First JavaScript Program
Writing Your First JavaScript Program (编写第一个程序)
HTML can’t do the math, it can’t figure out if someone has correctly filled out a form. HTML just let people read the text, watch videos, look at pictures, and click links. You need JavaScript to add intelligence to your web pages so they can respond to your site’s visitors. So JavaScript lets you make your websites more attractive, effective, and useful. (HTML无法进行计算,无法判断某人是否正确填写了表单。HTML只允许人们阅读文本、观看视频、查看图片和单击链接。您需要JavaScript来为网页添加智能,以便它们能够响应您网站的访问者。因此, JavaScript可以让您的网站更具吸引力、更有效、更有用。)
JavaScript is more complex than HTML or CSS, the main goal of this book is to help you think more like a programmer. JavaScript program has this kind of symbols ({ } [ ] ; , () !=) and many unfamiliar words (var, null, else if). We can say, that learning a programming language is a lot like learning another language. You need to learn new words and understand how to put them together.
About Computer Program?
About Computer Program? (关于计算机程序?)
Adding JavaScript to a web page means that you’re writing a computer program. Many JavaScript programs are much simpler than the programs you use to read email, build web pages. But even though JavaScript programs, which also scripts are simpler and shorter and share many of the same properties of more complicated programs. (将JavaScript添加到网页意味着您正在编写计算机程序。 许多JavaScript程序比您用于阅读电子邮件、构建网页的程序要简单得多。 但是,即使JavaScript程序(也包括脚本)更简单、更短,并且共享更复杂程序的许多相同属性。)
If you want to display a welcome message using the web-page visitor’s name: “Welcome, John Doe!”, you need to do several things:
Ask the name of the visitor;
Get the visitor’s reply;
Print the message on the web page. (-在网页上打印消息。)
When you want to create a JavaScript program, you must determine the steps needed to achieve your goal. After knowing the steps, you’ll translate your ideas into programming code - the words and characters that make the web browser behave the way you want it to. (当您想要创建JavaScript程序时,必须确定实现目标所需的步骤。了解这些步骤后,您将把你的想法转化为编程代码–这些单词和字符使网络浏览器按照您想要的方式运行。)
How to Add JavaScript to a Page
How to Add JavaScript to a Page (如何将JavaScript添加到页面)
Web browsers can understand HTML and CSS and convert those languages into a visual display on the screen. The web browser expects HTML, so you must clearly instruct the browser when JavaScript is coming by using the <script>tag.
After opening your preferred console (like Node.js), you just need to attach a script to a webpage. For linking Javascript to HTML page, you need to use the <script> element, which tag helps us to insert Javascript programs into any part of the HTML document. For example:
<p>Before the script...</p>
alert('Hello, world!');
<p>...After the script.</p>
Let’s discuss opening and closing <script> tags. If you want to add a script to your page, you should start by inserting tags, that include the script itself or a link to an external file, which contains scripts. In many cases, you’ll put the <script> tags in the page’s <head> for keeping your JavaScript code smartly organized in one part of the web page.
The <script> element has a few attributes, which we don’t use so often nowadays. But we can still meet them in old code:
The type attribute: <script type=…>
For having a type the old HTML - HTML4, required a script. Earlier it was type=“text/javascript”, which is not required nowadays. Except that, the modern HTML standard completely changed the meaning of this attribute. Today we can use it for JavaScript modules. But we will talk about modules later, as it’s an advanced topic.
The language attribute: <script language=…>
The presented above attribute was meant to show the language of the script. But as JavaScript is the default language, there is no need to use it. (上述属性旨在显示脚本的语言。但由于JavaScript是默认语言,因此无需使用它。)
External JavaScript Files
External JavaScript Files (外部JavaScript文件)
As we mentioned earlier, using the <script> tag lets you add JavaScript to a single web page. But you will also need to create scripts that you want to share with all of the pages on your site. But just copying and pasting the same JavaScript code into each page is not so good idea, especially when you have a site with hundreds of pages.
In short, we use external scripts when we have a lot of JavaScript code. That way we get code reusability, as a single JavaScript file can be used in several html pages. The extension for JavaScript file is .js. If we want to use an external script, we should put the name of the script file in the src (source) attribute of a <script> tag:
<script src="w3cdocScript.js"></script>
With the help of the src attribute, we can attach script files to HTML. (借助src属性,我们可以将脚本文件附加到HTML。)
<script src="/path/w3cdocScript.js"></script>
In this example /path/w3cdocScript.js (在此示例中/path/w3cdocScript.js) is an absolute path for the script, which can also provide some relative path from the same page. For example, src=“w3cdocScript.js” means a file “w3cdocScript.js”. (是脚本的绝对路径,它也可以提供来自同一页面的一些相对路径。 例如, src = “w3cdocScript.js"表示文件"w3cdocScript.js”。)
We can also give a full URL, which will look like:
<script src=""></script>
If we want to attach several scripts, we should use multiple tags:
<script src="/w3cdocScript1.js"></script>
<script src="/w3cdocScript2.js"></script>
If src is set, the script content will be ignored. It means that a single <script> tag can’t have at the same time the src attribute and code inside. It just won’t work:
<p>Before the script...</p>
<script src="w3cdocScript.js">
alert("Hello, world!"); // the content is ignored, because src is set
<p>...After the script.</p>
We need to choose either an external <script src="…"> or a regular <script> with code. Only after that, we can split this example into two scripts to work:
<p>Before the script...</p>
<script src="w3cdocScript.js"></script>
alert("Hello, world!");
<p>...After the script.</p>
Your First JavaScript Program
Your First JavaScript Program (您的第一个JavaScript程序)
Let’s start programming, your first program will be very simple:
<link href="../_css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<p>Before the script...</p>
alert('Welcome to w3cdoc');
Writing Text on a Web Page
Writing Text on a Web Page (在网页上书写文本)
The script in the previous section appeared in the middle of your monitor. But if you want to print a message directly onto a web page using JavaScript, you can built-in JavaScript command:
<link href="../_css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<p>Before the script...</p>
document.write('<p>Welcome to w3cdoc!</p>');
As you see the page opens and “Welcome to w3cdoc” appears below the headline. (如您所见,页面打开,标题下方显示“欢迎使用w3cdoc”。)
The Chrome JavaScript Console
The Chrome JavaScript Console (Chrome JavaScript控制台)
Many web developers prefer using Google’s Chrome browser. Its DevTools attribute gives you many ways to correct and balance HTML, CSS, and JavaScript problems. JavaScript console is a great place for tracking down errors and mistakes in your code. It also recognizes the line in your code where each error occurred. (许多网络开发人员更喜欢使用谷歌的Chrome浏览器。它的DevTools属性为您提供了许多纠正和平衡HTML、CSS和JavaScript问题的方法。JavaScript控制台是跟踪代码中的错误和错误的好地方。它还可以识别代码中发生每个错误的行。)
<link href="../_css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<p>Before the script...</p>
alert('Welcome to w3cdoc');
Click the Customize menu button to open the JavaScript console and choose Tools→JavaScript Console. Or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+J (Windows) or ⌘-Option-J (Mac) etc. (单击自定义菜单按钮打开JavaScript控制台,然后选择工具→JavaScript控制台。或使用键盘快捷键Ctrl + Shift + J ( Windows )或⌘ -Option-J ( Mac )等。)