PHP Cookies

PHP Cookies (PHP Cookie)

Introduction to PHP Cookies

Introduction to PHP Cookies (PHP Cookie简介)

PHP cookies are small text files stored on the client side that hold data about the user’s behavior and preferences. They are widely used to store information like user preferences, shopping cart contents, or login credentials. (PHP Cookie是存储在客户端的小型文本文件,用于保存有关用户行为和偏好的数据。它们被广泛用于存储用户偏好、购物车内容或登录凭据等信息。)

In this article, we will delve into the basics of PHP cookies and how they can be implemented in a website. (在本文中,我们将深入探讨PHP Cookie的基础知识以及如何在网站中实施它们。)

What are PHP Cookies?

What are PHP Cookies? (Cookie 是什么?)

A cookie is a small piece of data stored by a website on the user’s device. This data can be used to remember a user’s preferences, login credentials, or shopping cart contents. Cookies are stored on the client-side, which means they are stored on the user’s device rather than on the server. (Cookie是网站存储在用户设备上的一小部分数据。此数据可用于记住用户的首选项、登录凭据或购物车内容。Cookie存储在客户端,这意味着它们存储在用户的设备上,而不是服务器上。)

PHP cookies are created using the setcookie() function and can be accessed using the $_COOKIE superglobal array. The setcookie() function takes several arguments, including the name of the cookie, its value, and its expiration time. (PHP Cookie是使用setcookie ()函数创建的,可以使用$_COOKIE超全局数组进行访问。setcookie ()函数需要几个参数,包括cookie的名称、其值及其过期时间。)

Creating PHP Cookies

Creating PHP Cookies (创建PHP Cookie)

To create a PHP cookie, use the setcookie() function. The basic syntax for the setcookie() function is as follows:

setcookie(name, value, expire, path, domain, secure, httponly);


  • name is the name of the cookie (- name是Cookie的名称)

  • value is the value to be stored in the cookie (- value是要存储在cookie中的值)

  • expire is the time after which the cookie will expire (- expire是Cookie过期的时间)

  • path is the path on the server in which the cookie will be available (- path是服务器上可用Cookie的路径)

  • domain is the domain name of the website (- domain是网站的域名)

  • secure indicates if the cookie should only be sent over a secure connection (- secure表示是否仅应通过安全连接发送cookie)

  • httponly indicates if the cookie can only be accessed through the HTTP protocol (- httponly指示是否只能通过HTTP协议访问cookie)

Here’s an example of how to create a PHP cookie:

setcookie("user", "John Doe", time()+3600, "/", "", 0, 0);

This code creates a cookie named user with a value of John Doe that expires in one hour. The cookie is available throughout the website and can be accessed over both secure and non-secure connections. (此代码创建了一个名为user的Cookie ,其值为John Doe ,将在一小时后过期。该Cookie可在整个网站上使用,并且可以通过安全连接和非安全连接进行访问。)

Retrieving PHP Cookies

Retrieving PHP Cookies (正在检索PHP Cookie)

Once a cookie has been created, its value can be retrieved using the $_COOKIE superglobal array. The basic syntax for accessing a cookie value is as follows:


Where name is the name of the cookie. (其中name是Cookie的名称。)

Here’s an example of how to retrieve a cookie value:

$user = $_COOKIE["user"];
echo "Welcome back, " . $user;

This code retrieves the value of the user cookie and displays a welcome message to the user. (此代码检索用户Cookie的值,并向用户显示欢迎消息。)

Updating PHP Cookies

Updating PHP Cookies (正在更新PHP Cookie)

To update a PHP cookie, simply create a new cookie with the same name and a new value. The expiration time should also be updated to ensure that the cookie continues to persist. (要更新PHP cookie ,只需创建一个具有相同名称和新值的新cookie。过期时间也应更新,以确保cookie继续存在。)

Here’s an example of how to update a PHP cookie:

setcookie("user", "Jane Doe", time()+3600, "/", "", 0, 0);

This code updates the user cookie with a new value of Jane Doe and extends its expiration time by another hour. (此代码使用新值Jane Doe更新用户Cookie ,并将其过期时间延长一小时。)

Deleting PHP Cookies

Deleting PHP Cookies (删除PHP Cookie)

To delete a PHP cookie, simply create a new cookie with the same name and an expiration time in the past. This will cause the cookie to be automatically deleted from the user’s device. (要删除PHP cookie ,只需创建一个具有相同名称和过期时间的新cookie。这将导致cookie从用户的设备中自动删除。)

Here’s an example of how to delete a PHP cookie:

setcookie("user", "", time()-3600, "/", "", 0, 0);

This code creates a new user cookie with an expiration time that is one hour in the past. This will cause the cookie to be automatically deleted from the user’s device. (此代码创建一个过期时间为一小时的新用户Cookie。这将导致cookie从用户的设备中自动删除。)

Advantages of Using PHP Cookies

Advantages of Using PHP Cookies (使用PHP Cookie的优势)

PHP cookies have several advantages, including:

Improved User Experience: Cookies allow websites to store user-specific information, such as preferences and login credentials, which can be used to provide a more personalized user experience.Persistent Data: Cookies allow websites to store data on the user’s device, which can persist even after the user closes the browser or turns off their device. This makes it possible for websites to remember a user’s preferences and login credentials across multiple visits.Easy Implementation: PHP cookies are easy to implement and can be used to store a wide variety of data, making them a versatile tool for website developers.

Best Practices for Using PHP Cookies

Best Practices for Using PHP Cookies (使用PHP Cookie的最佳实践)

To ensure the best possible user experience and security, it is important to follow best practices when using PHP cookies. Some of these best practices include:

Use Secure Connections: Whenever possible, use secure connections (HTTPS) when creating and accessing cookies. This will help protect the data stored in cookies from being intercepted by third-party actors.Store Sensitive Data Securely: Do not store sensitive data, such as login credentials, in cookies. Instead, use server-side storage solutions, such as databases, to store this type of data.Use Unique Cookie Names: Use unique and descriptive names for your cookies to prevent conflicts with other cookies used by your website or other websites.Limit the Amount of Data Stored: Limit the amount of data stored in cookies to only what is necessary. Large amounts of data can slow down website performance and increase the risk of data breaches.


Conclusion (小结)

PHP cookies are a powerful tool for website developers, allowing them to store and retrieve data on the user’s device. By following best practices and taking security into consideration, PHP cookies can be used to provide a better user experience and increase website functionality. (PHP Cookie是网站开发人员的强大工具,允许他们在用户的设备上存储和检索数据。通过遵循最佳实践并考虑安全性, PHP Cookie可用于提供更好的用户体验并提高网站功能。)


